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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 121 to 140 of 282
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021The Mind-set of the American Society and its Effect on Black MinorityMOUSSI, Anis
2017The Total Physical Response Approach to Enhance Learners’ Vocabulary Acquisition Case of First Year Pupils at ARRAB Ibrahim Middle School of Hammam BouhdjerBENLEBNA, Rachida Khalida; BOUBOSSELA, Hadjer
2018The Role of Motivation in Increasing Learners’ Communicative Competence in EFL Classroom: Case of First Year Students at University Centre of Ain TemouchentBENNABI, Soulef; AHMED BELKACEM, Nafissa
2019The role of fantasy fiction in promoting feminism:study of ilona andrews heroine kate danielsADLA, Lilia
2019The Representation of Victorian Children through Dickens’ Oliver and Carroll’s AliceKrantar, Hiba
2019The Purpose Behind Using Symbolism in Robert Louis Stevenson’s “Markheim”MESSAOUDI, Tajia Fatima Zahra; ADLA, Radia
2018The Impact of Student‟s First Language on their Listening Skill The Case of First Year Master EFL Students of Belhadj Bouchaib University CenterAmar Bensaber, Manel; Amar Touil Sag, Ibtissem Tires
2018Thhee IImmppaacctt OOff SSttuuddeennttss'' FFiirrsstt LLaanngguuaaggee OOnn TThheeiirr SSeeccoonndd LLaanngguuaaggee SSppeeaakkiinngg SSkkiillllGHARIB, Imen; HADDOUCHE, Mounia
2019The Impact of Online Code- Switching on Students’ Facebook Communication:The Case of Master 1 English Students at Belhadj Bouchaib University CentreAmina, MOULKHALOUA; Imane, SALLAT
2018The Impact of Intercultural Communicative Competence on Enhancing EFL Students’ Proficiency and Achievement. The Case of First Year Students of English at Belhadj Bouchaib University Centre of Ain TemouchentTOUIDJINE, Mohamed El-Amine
2019The Impact of Integrating YouTube Videos in EFL Setting on Learners’ Speaking Skill: The case of first year students at BELHADJ BOUCHAIB University Centre-Ain-TemouchnetSI AMER, Aini Djennet; EL MEGUENNI, Hanane
2019The Impact of Dyslexia on Language Performance among Children: Case of Second Grade Pupils at El-Arbi Fekhar Primary School in Ain-TemouchentHANAFI, Nour El-Houda; FEKIH, Khadidja
2019The Exploration of Some Lacunae behind Students’ Weak Oral Performance: Case of Third Year EFL Students at BBUC in Ain-TémouchentHADJ-SAFI, Nassima; BAILICHE, Hanane
2018The Effect of Mother Tongue Interference on Speaking Skill . “The case of third year pupils at Ben Amour Ibrahim Middle School”Bentayeb, Halima; Abdelouahed, Karima
2018The Effectiveness of Lesson Planning in Improving Classroom Management: The Case of English Teachers in Ain Temouchent Secondary SchoolsAbdelmalek, Fadwa Ikram; Si Tayeb, Fatima
2018The Effectiveness of Extensive Reading in Enhancing Students’ Writing Ability Case Study of First Year EFL Students at University Center of Ain TemouchentBENMEHIMDA, Chahinez; HENKOUCHE, Aicha
2019The Depiction of Social Layers of 19th Century Britain in Charles Dickens’ Novel “Hard Times”Bensaoula, Farouk Abdelkader
2019Students’and Teachers’ Use of Code Switching as a means of Communication in EFL ClassroomTayebBen Yahia, Wahiba
2018Strategies Implemented to promote the EFL Students’ Communicative Abilities The case of Third Year EFL Students at Belhadj Bouchaib University Centre in Ain TemouchentMAZOUZI, Samira
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 121 to 140 of 282