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Title: جودة الحياة وعلاقتها بالضغوط النفسية لدى مربي الأطفال ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة : دراسة ميدانية بالمركز النفسي البيداغوجي للأطفال المعاقين ذهنيا - عين تموشنت
Authors: بن مالك, عائشة
بن عيسى, عبد الحكيم
Issue Date: 2024
Series/Report no.: 22/09/2024;
Abstract: This study aims to determine the nature of the relationship between quality of life and psychological stress among educators of children with special needs at the psychological and pedagogical center for mentally disabled children located in the state of AinTemouchent, where the descriptive approach was relied upon, and the two study measures were used: the quality of life measure by the researcher (SharbiKarima, (2015) adapted and modified from the scale of Mahmoud Abdel Halim Mansi and Ali Mahdi Kadhim (2006) at Sultan Qaboos University, and the psychological stress scale by researcher Muhammad Hafez Mahmoud Al-Sharif (2019), on a sample estimated at (45) male and female educators, with (10) males, and ( 35) Female nannies, where were they selected using the method., After statistical processing of the data, the study concluded the following results: There is no relationship between quality of life and psychological stress among caregivers of children with special... - There is no relationship between quality of life and psychological stress among caregivers of children with special needs at the Psycho-Pedagogical Center for Mentally Disabled Children. - There are statistically significant differences among educators of children with special needs at the psychological and pedagogical center for mentally disabled children in the level of quality of life due to the gender variable. - There are statistically significant differences between educators of children with special needs at the psychological and pedagogical center for mentally disabled children in the level of quality of life due to the variable of professional experience. - The level of quality of life among educators of children with special needs at the Psycho-Pedagogical Center for Mentally Disabled Children is average. - The results of our study were discussed based on previous studies and theoretical frameworks, and our study concluded with some suggestion.
Appears in Collections:psychologie

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