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Title: Contribution à l'étude du cancer du sein métastatique dans la wilaya d'Ain-Témouchent
Authors: MILOUD, Ikram
Keywords: Cancer du sein métastatique, facteurs de risque, contraceptif, quadrant supéro-externe, étude histologique, grade histopronostique.
Issue Date: 2021
Abstract: Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in Algerian women and is the leading cause of death in women around the world. Our goal during this study was to take stock of the epidemiological and anatomo-pathological data recorded in a series of cases over the past three years (2019, 2020 and 2021) in the wilaya of Aïn Témouchent. The recruitment of patients with metastatic breast cancer was at its highest in 2020 with 52% of cases. From the description of our case series, we found that the most affected age group was 45 to 50 years old. The majority of patients (81%) were not engaged in any professional activity, and 98% of them were married. Based on the risk factors recorded in our case series, we noticed that the women (58%) in our case series had their first period at the age of 12 to 14 years, 46% of the patients were still in genital activity at the time of diagnosis and 34% of patients were postmenopausal at the age of 45 to 50 years. In addition, women who breastfed their children accounted for 88% of cases. Contraceptive use was recorded in 90% of cases. 52% of the patients in our series had no family history. According to our results, most of the patients (40%) had a medical consultation between the 3rd and 5th month of the onset of the first symptoms. Generally, the most frequent reason for consultation was a lump in the breast in 82% of cases. Examination of the breasts revealed involvement of the left breast with 40% and the right breast with 56%. Regarding the location of the tumor in the breast, the upper outer quadrant (QSE) was in first place with 76%. The histological study had enabled us to detect that invasive ductal carcinoma was predominant with 88%, and the most abundant histopronostic grade (SBR) was grade II with 80% of cases.
Appears in Collections:Sciences Biologiques

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