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Title: Evaluation de l’activité anti inflammatoire de l’extrait enrichi en polyphénols de Marrubium vulgare L.
Authors: KADDOUR AHMED, Hadjar
Zerriouh, Meriem
Keywords: Marrubium vulgare L, métabolites secondaires, polyphénols, flavonoïdes, activité anti-inflammatoire.
Issue Date: 2021
Abstract: The aim of the present study is to evaluate the inflammatory activity of butanolic extract of the aerial part of Marrubium vulgare, a plant of the Lamiaceae family, widely used in traditional medicine for the treatment of a variety of diseases. Determination of total phenols by Folin-Ciocalteu method and flavonoids by aluminum trichloride (AlCl3) and sodium nitrite (NaNO2) method to butanolic extract gave values of 142 ± 2.66 mg EAG/g extract and 288, 53 ±19.88 mg EC/g extract respectively. The study of the anti-inflammatory activity in vitro of the butanolic extract of Marrubium vulgare shows that this extract has a very important percentage of inhibition of the hemolysis caused by heat and even by the hypotonic solution, and therefore a protective activity of the red blood cells.
Appears in Collections:Sciences Biologiques

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