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Title: دور تكنولوجيا المعلومات في تسيير الموارد البشرية : دراسة حالة: مؤسسة الصندوق الوطني للتقاعد الوكالة الولائية عين تموشنت
Authors: لشلاش, محمد
بن شعيب, أحمد
يحياوي, لخضر
Keywords: Information Technology - Human Resources Management - Field Study - CNR
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: University of Ain Temouchent
Abstract: This study aims to highlight the role and the impact of information technology in the management of human resources. The study was conducted in the National Retirement Fund Corporation (CNR), the state agency of Ain T e mouchent during the period from 10/03/2019 to 18/04/2019. In order to collect the necessary information and data, an interview was conducted with the Director of the Fund and the Head of the Department of Public Administration and Human Resource Management, as wel l as the distribution of a questionnaire form on a sample of 55 employees, of which 45 answered. SPSS version 24 was used to process the data and extract the results of the study. We found that there is an adoption of information technology in the institut ion through its multiple dimensions (programs, networks, databases). This study found a strong correlation of 56.5% between the dimensions of information technology and human resources management functions, which positively affected the incomes of the inst itution and raised its Level of performance
Appears in Collections:Sciences de Gestion

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