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dc.contributor.authorمعمر, ليلى-
dc.contributor.authorوهاب, جميلة-
dc.contributor.authorالصباح, فاطمة-
dc.description.abstractAdvertising, Touristic media and Touristic Public Relationship s a great Importance to the touristic companies, which guaranteeing them the marketing of their touristic products in the national and international touristic markets, and give to them the stability and continuity in the light of the hard competition in th e world of tourism industry, as well as, the central and the main role of media and touristic advertising is the effect on the tourists behavior and touching his passion and change directions and dissemination of tourism awareness in his mind , and help hi m to make decision with confidence and belief in himself, because these circumstances confidence and conviction give the touristic establishment the honor and increase the degree of its brand in the touristic market, and thus attract the largest number of tourists and ensure their loyalty permanent for those touristic companies, as well as, the media and touristic advertising and touristic advertising campaigns underlying the information which the audience of tourists needs it, to be fully aware of the tour ism product and the extent of its quality and it appropriation with their needs and their aspirationen_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Ain Temouchenten_US
dc.subjectT ouristic advertising, Touristic media, Touristic Public Relationships, Touristic attractionen_US
dc.titleدور الإعلان والاعلام السياحي في جذب السياح دراسة حالة على مستوى وكالة السياحة والاسفار - غرب تورen_US
Appears in Collections:Sciences de Gestion

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