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Title: التأمينات الاجتماعية بين حتمية تمويل الخزينة العمومية ورهان دعم النشاط المقاولاتي دراسة حالة صندوق الضمان الاجتماعي للعمال الأجراء لوكالة النعامة
Authors: بوحسون, جمال
بوزيدان, محمد
بوزيان الرحماني, هاجر
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: University of Ain Temouchent
Abstract: subject of the research aims to highlight the relationship that exists between business activity and social insurance or the mutual impact through the analytical study of the Social Security Fund, the business of the ostrich agency procedure, through the new job positions and their contribution to financing the fund, and we relied on that on statistical data provided by CNAS Ostrich, CNAC ostrich agency , ANSEJ ostrich agency, and ANEM ostrich agency. Analyzing and crystallizing them into results according to the statistical method. We concluded that the relationship that exists between entrepreneurship and social insurance is a positive relationship. Its contribution to financing the fund is weak due to the weak business activity in the state
Appears in Collections:Sciences Economiques

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