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dc.contributor.authorمولخلوى, إبراهيم-
dc.contributor.authorرزلاوي طرايقة, بارودي-
dc.contributor.authorغرزي, سليمة-
dc.description.abstractThe study aims at testing the impact of leadership skills on the performance of the 35 employees of the Gas & Electricity Distribution Corporation (GPG & Electricity Distribution Corporation), and identified the various leadersh ip skills available to the heads of departments and found that the most available skills are human and leadership skills, most important of which are good listening. We have also found proof of sub - claims, key claims and, finally, we have put forward a set of proposals that will raise the level of leadership skills in the institution, perhaps most importantly, to promote morale among subordinates and to promote the spirit of collective actionen_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Ain Temouchenten_US
dc.subjectLeadership skills – employee performanceen_US
dc.titleدور القيادة الادارية في رفع أداء العاملينen_US
Appears in Collections:Sciences Economiques

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