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Title: دور المسؤولية الاجتماعية في ادارة الموارد البشرية
Authors: سيدي يخلف, أمينة
موساوي, بشرى
توزان, فاطمة
Keywords: social responsa bility ، human resource management ، dimensions of social responsibility ، performance é valuation
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: University of Ain Temouchent
Abstract: This study aims to know the real adaptation of social responsibility and inorder to examine these issues,the role of social responsability in human resource and management and controle it the electricity and gaz company ain temouchent is chosen as a sample inorder to study because it is considered as a leader national company over the country and inorder to examine the issues descriptive and analytic methods are taken as instrument to collect information as well as to design questionnaire on the sample to s tudy at the level of the institution ، simply to know how to applicate the sociale responsibility over the workers by this meaning and its great importance to improve human resource function .the result of the study shows a positive statistic relation ship of the social responsibility on human resource management . at the end we find several advices those contribute in full details of the social responsibility
Appears in Collections:Sciences Economiques

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