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Title: الطالب العامل ورهانات النسق الجامعي :دراسة ميدانية لطلبة جامعة بلحاج بوشعيب عين تموشنت
Authors: نذار, علو
القيزي, عبد الحفيظ
Keywords: Working university student,strategies,challenges,The constraints
الطالب الجامعي الموظف ، الاستراتيجيات ، الرهانات ،الإكراهات
Étudiant universitaire travaillant, stratégies, défis, Les contraintes
Issue Date: 24-jui-2024
Series/Report no.: 2023/2024;
Abstract: This study aims to understand the influencing factors and strategies adopted by university students in dealing with increasing study and work constraints,Students from the Faculty of Arts, Languages, and Social Sciences at the University of Aïn Témouchent were selected as a study group to achieve these objectives using interview technique to review the methods and techniques used to achieve balance between study and work and identify effective strategies contributing to students' success in this context. Our methodology was descriptive, examining the current conditions of phenomena in terms of characteristics, forms, relationships, and influencing factors. Our problematics focused as follows: How can a working university student balance study and work, and what strategies do they adopt to overcome challenges and achieve their goals? Hypotheses: • The employed university student, as an engaged actor within the academic framework, possesses rationality and a margin of freedom that enable them to adopt suitable strategies to balance study and work. • The challenges of balancing study and work for the employed university student stem from the constraints of the professional and academic framework. Based on the hypotheses and the study's findings, it appears that working university students have succeeded in confronting the challenges and difficulties they encountered while attempting to balance study and work requirements. Using various strategies, they managed to achieve their goals despite the diversity of circumstances and factors surrounding them, such as differences in methods and approaches used, as well as in work fields, ages, and social conditions. Ultimately, their success in achieving balance between study and work reflects their strong will and their ability to apply effective strategies to achieve their professional and Academic goals.
Appears in Collections:Sociologie

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