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Title: أثر اليقظة الاستراتيجية في تحسين الأداء التسويقي : دراسة حالة عينة من المؤسسسات الاقتصادية لولاية – عين تموشنت
Authors: بن جريو سجراري, عامر
جعدان, يمينة
العشابي, فاطمة الزهرة
Keywords: Strategic vigilance, marketing performance, market share, profiability, brand strenght
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: University of Ain Temouchent
Abstract: This study aimed to identify the extent of the strategic vigilance contribution in improving the marketing performance of economic institutions in the state of ain_temouchnet, and that through see if strategic vigilance has an impact on market share, profitability, brand strenght. In order to get this study done descriptive analytical approach was used, and questionnaire was also used as a tools to collect data, where 35 questionnaires were distributed to the officials of the economic institutions under study, and one of them was eliminated becouse it was not valid, and spss program has been relying on in data processing and hypothesis testing, and in the concluded of this study it has been seen that there no statistically significant effect of strategic vigilance on the growth of the market share and on the strength of the commercial relation ship, while there is a statistically significant effect of strategic vigilance in increasing profitability in the economic institutions understudy, what its means that they pays attention to strategic viginlance as a tool to increase profibility while they don’t give any importance attached to strategic vigilance as a tools for market share growth and brand strength
Appears in Collections:Sciences de Gestion

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