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Title: التوظيف النفسي لدى المرأة المصابة بالعقم - دراسة إسقاطية
Authors: حساني, رجاء
حاج بوزيان, فردوس
قلعي, تسورية أمال
Keywords: physical functioning,infertility for women,the Rorschach test
التوظيف النفسي،العقم، اختبار الرورشخ
Issue Date: 2024
Series/Report no.: 2023/2024;
Abstract: This study aims to discover the physical functioning for women who have infertility . The nature and types of the mechanisms which were used by the cases are indicated through it. The study applied on three cases that were chosen on purpose. To reach the set targets, weleaned on the clinicalmethodusingdifferenttools which are the clinical meeting, clinical observation, and the Rorschach test. Through this, we'vegot out with the followingresults: The physical functioning for a woman who has infertility ischaracterizedwithpsycologicalfragility, in addition to a borderline disorderwithnarcissistic/ depressivedefenses.We'vealsogot to that women who have infertility use subliminal defensive mechanisms which are" repression, identification, cleavage, reaction formation" .
Appears in Collections:psychologie

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