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Title: الصراع السیكودینامي لدى المرأة المنحرفة جنسيا من خلال الإنتاج الإسقاطي لاختبار روشاخ دراسة عياديه لحالتين من عین تموشنت
Authors: فزازي, مخطاریة
بن عيسى, رحال نوال
Keywords: الصراع السیكودینامي - الانحرافات الجنسية – المیكانیزمات الدفاعیة – الإنتاج الإسقاطي
psychodynamic conflict - sexual deviations - defensive mechanisms - projective production
Issue Date: 2024
Series/Report no.: 2023/2024;
Abstract: This study dealt with the issue of psychodynamic conflict among sexually deviant women.Through projective production of the Rorschach test. It aims to identify the nature of psychodynamic conflicts,. Defensive mechanisms, and psychological disorders associated with sexual deviations The study was applied on two adult cases that were chosen intentionally. The clinical approach was based on a case study and clinical interview and the application of the Rorschach projective test. In order to achieve one of the objectives of the study by reaching the following results:  The nature of the psycho-dynamic conflict among a sexually deviant woman is represented by causal indicators of four metapsychological dimensions: - Causal indicators of an economic nature. - Causal indicators of a topographical nature. - Causal indicators of an evolutionary nature. - Causal indicators of a dynamic nature.  The most common defense mechanisms in sexually deviant women are defense mechanisms, the most important of which are: fixation, regress, projection, justification, and denial.  The most common psychological disorders among sexually deviant women are depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Appears in Collections:psychologie

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