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dc.contributor.authorصفاوي, رشيدة-
dc.contributor.authorسعيد, فاطنة-
dc.contributor.authorقلعي, تسورية آمال-
dc.description.abstractOur study aimed to identify the effectiveness of the cognitive-behavioral therapeutic program in enhancing the self-esteem of women with physical burns. In this study, women with physical burns were selected within the community in the state of Ain Temouchent. The sample was chosen intentionally after conducting a pilot study on a group of women. Women with physical burns have low self-esteem and are close in age. The study cases included three women with burns whose ages ranged between (29-36) years. After that, the clinical approach was used, then the quasi experimental approach, where we relied on the following tools, which are: Clinical observation, clinical interview, and the Cooper Smith Self-Esteem Scale. We also applied a cognitive-behavioral therapeutic program to enhance self-esteem on cases of women with physical burns, which was suggested by the two students. The results of the study concluded that the cognitive-behavioral therapeutic program was effective in enhancing self-esteem among women with burns. Physically, this was confirmed by the results of the pre- and post-tests. Through a comparison between them, we noticed a noticeable development in the self-esteem scores, which indicates a high level of self-esteem, and this is what shows the effectiveness of the therapeutic program.en_US
dc.subjectself-esteem, cognitive-behavioral therapeutic program, physical burnsen_US
dc.subjectتقدير الذات، البرنامج العلاجي السلوكي المعرفي، الحروق الجسديةen_US
dc.titleفاعلية البرنامج العلاجي السلوكي المعرفي في تعزيز تقدير الذات لدى المرأة المصابة بالحروق الجسدية: دراسة على ثلاثة حالات من المجتمع بولاية عين تموشنتen_US
Appears in Collections:psychologie

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