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Title: استراتيجيات التخاطب في شعر الأمير عبد القادر الجزائري
Authors: وشان, فاطمة
عتو, عائشة
عيسى, بربار
Keywords: discourse,deliberative,poetry,discourse strategies.
الخطاب التداولية الشعر،إستراتيجيات الخطاب
Issue Date: 2024
Series/Report no.: 2023/2024;
Abstract: The poetry of « El-Amir Abd Elkader » on its diversitys based on several strategies, solidarity, guidance, hinting, persuasive, and clarified by several linguistic and non-linguistic mechanisms reflected in hispoetic discourse, sow relied in our research on revealing the extent to which the ser rhetorical strategies are used through the pragmatic approach in his poetry within a specific context due to the ability of our poet of communication and sophistication imposed by the nature of his personality and status
Appears in Collections:Etudes Linguistiques

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