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dc.contributor.authorBOUHADDA, Douha-
dc.contributor.authorBENKHIRA, Feriel-
dc.contributor.authorBOUCETTA, Anfel-
dc.contributor.authorTAHARI, Fatima Zahra-
dc.description.abstractBreast cancer is the most common cancer in women regardless of their ethnic or cultural origin. It represents the leading cause of death for women in the world, particularly in Algeria. This study consists of examining the files of patients with breast cancer over the last five years, from 2019 to 2023, in the wilaya of Ain Témouchent. Our goal during this study is to highlight the epidemiological, clinical data and adverse effects of anticancer chemotherapy agents on the renal biomarkers of patients measured before the 1st, 8th, 12th and 16th course of chemotherapy. From the description of our case series, we noticed that the most affected age group was 40 to 65 years. The clinical examination revealed that the majority of patients had involvement of the left breast with 49% and the right breast with 47%. W e noted during histological analysis that infiltrating ductal carcinoma was the most dominant with 81%. The most abundant histoprognostic grade (SBR) was grade II with 73%. The marking of hormonal receptors showed us a predominant positivity of the OR and RP with 29 cases. Besides this, the HER2 status was negative in 37 patients. The levels of urea and creatinine represented a gradual increase, from 0.21g/l to 0.28 g/l for urea and from 7.28 mg/l to 8.83 mg/l for creatinine.en_US
dc.subjectCancer du sein, récepteurs hormonaux, HER2, urée, créatinineen_US
dc.titleImpact de la chimiothérapie sur les biomarqueurs rénaux dans le cancer du seinen_US
Appears in Collections:Sciences Biologiques

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