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Title: النظام القانوني لإلفراج المشروط
Authors: معروف, شمس الدين
بوزكري, هشام
مهداوي, محمد صالح
Keywords: Conditional release, modern penal policy, rehabilitation and reform of prisoners, social reintegration of prisoners .
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: University of Ain Temouchent
Abstract: The Algerian legislature, like other legislations, has been interested in adopting new methods in its penal policy, and Conditional release is one of these methods. The Algerian legislature has regulated the provisions of Conditional release in the provisions of Law 05-04, although it did not include a definition for it. The Conditional release system has undergone historical and legislative developments in line with the prevailing conditions, and in any case, the aim of this system is to rehabilitate, reform and socially integrate convicted Imprisoned persons, as well as avoid the negative side of custodial sentences. Conditional release is granted in accordance with certain conditions, and in accordance with the jurisdiction of the penalty enforcement judge or the Minister of Justice, as the case may be, and entails general and specific effects, such as the obligations imposed on the beneficiaries. Conditional release expires either in a normal manner or by revocation if necessary.
Description: مذكرة مكملة لنيل شهادة ماستر في الحقوق –تخصص : قانون خاص
Appears in Collections:Droit

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