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Title: دور التحقيق العمومي في عملية صنع القرار الإداري
Authors: بوبصلة, رحمونة نريمان
بن نقي بلحاج, حسام
بدير, يحي
Keywords: public inquiry and delineate
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: University of Ain Temouchent
Abstract: This study aims to elucidate the concept of public inquiry and delineate its roles in domains such as environmental protection, public benefit expropriation, and classified facilities. Public inquiries seek to engage pivotal stakeholders in the decision-making process, encompassing individuals and relevant organizations, especially in environmental conservation, to uphold participatory democracy as enshrined in the constitution through augmenting transparency in administrative decisions concerning the environment or urban settings. The research highlights the utilization of public inquiries in urban development, with a specific focus on development and construction schemes like the master plan and land use plan.
Description: مذكرة مكملة لنيل شهادة ماستر في الحقوق –تخصص : قانون عام
Appears in Collections:Droit

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