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Title: المسؤولية الجنائية لربان السفينة
Authors: ريفي, اسماء
ضالع, اكرام
بورطال, امينة
Keywords: captain، the ship، criminal responsibility ، marine safety
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: University of Ain Temouchent
Abstract: Thecriminalliability of the ship’scaptainaddresses the legal aspects thathold the captaincriminallyresponsible for acts or negligencethatoccurredduring the performance of hisduties, as the Algerian legislatordefines the captain as the Personwhotakes charge of the ship and thatHeisnominated by the ship’sowner or outfitter and hisrelationshipwiththemis a workrelationship and that He isconsideredhis agent and representative. The ship’scaptainischaracterized by manyspecialties in hiscapacity as a representative of the supplier or hislegalrepresentative in exercising the authoritiesassigned to him, and in hiscapacity as a subordinate of the supplier with regard to driving the ship. Our studyalsoaims to shed light on the importance of the role of the captain in ensuring the safety of maritime navigation, and Educating the captain about the potentialcriminalresponsibilitiesthathemaybear in the event of negligence or criminalintent.
Description: مدكرة مكملة لنيل شهادة ماستير في الحقوق التخصص قانون خاص
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