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Title: BADR دور صيغ التمويل الإسلامي في تعزيز الصيرفة الإسلامية دراسة حالة بنك الفلاحة و التنمية الريفية - عين تموشنت
Authors: حجري, إكرام
حاج الشيخ, أمينة
غرزي, سليمة
Issue Date: 2022
Abstract: Islamicbanks have been able to keep pace withbanking transactions in accordance with the controls of Islamic Sharia, as Islamicbanking has become a competitor to traditionalbanking. The aim of thisstudyis to evaluate the extent to whichIslamicfinancing formulas are applied in promotingIslamicbanking. Islamicfinancialproducts The Bank of Agriculture and Rural Development BADR understudyopened a window for Islamicfinancialproducts and began to bedealtwith in the form of Murabaha, but itrequires training itsemployees in the Islamic finance sector, whichisstillinsufficient and lacks the element of diversity and innovation, soitisnecessary to set standards for Islamicfinancing formulas So wemakeit more attractive to investors. Keywords: Islamicfinancing formulas, Murabaha formula, Islamicbanking
Appears in Collections:Sciences Economiques

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