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Title: (CPA) أثر التحول الرقمي على أداء البنوك الجزائرية : دراسة ميدانية بنك الوطني الجزائري
Authors: بن صافي, محمد زكرياء
منقوري, عبد الحق
زايدي, أوسامة شهاب
Keywords: digital transformation - bank performance - financial performance.
Issue Date: 2023
Abstract: This research aims to investigate the impact of digital transformation on the performance of Algerian banks. In order to conduct the study, we employed the survey method to test the study's hypotheses. A sample of 15 individuals from an active bank in Ain Temouchent was utilized. The method of least squares, specifically utilizing the smartpls v, was employed. The study's findings reveal the significant role of digital transformation in enhancing bank performance and attracting investments. Furthermore, the bank endeavors to enhance these services and leverage this technology to streamline and enhance customer transactions.
Appears in Collections:Sciences Financières et Comptabilitè

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