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Title: Conception d’une antenne large bande pour les Applications satellitaires
Authors: SALHI, Fethallah
GARGOUA, Med Amine
Keywords: circular polarization, antenna, patch, wide band, satellite application, double feed line.
Issue Date: 2021
Abstract: In this work the main emphasis is on the mono and dual feed linear and circular wideband antenna of its performance characteristics in wide integral frequency bands. The design of the antenna system for satellite application is a critical problem due to the demand for wide bandwidth, high gain, and circular polarization. In this main manuscript work, two types of feed one linear and one circular for three types of antennas for satellite applications offered in a wide frequency band. Based on this study, a comparison between three antenna models: a simple rectangular patch antenna fed by the micro ribbon line, a patch antenna with 2 feed lines, a circular polarization with a single port and the 3rd type a line micro ribbon with 2 feed lines and circular polarization with double ports, the three are adapted by the slit technique, which gave better results for the 3rd manipulation.
Appears in Collections:Télécommunication

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