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Title: Thhee IImmppaacctt OOff SSttuuddeennttss'' FFiirrsstt LLaanngguuaaggee OOnn TThheeiirr SSeeccoonndd LLaanngguuaaggee SSppeeaakkiinngg SSkkiillll
Authors: GHARIB, Imen
Issue Date: 2018
Abstract: The current study aim at studying the impact of students' first language on their second language speaking skill among first year EFL students' of the University of BELHADJ Bouchaib Ain Temouchent at the Department of English, in order to confirm or reject the hypothesis; if the first language does influence EFL learners . and if their speaking will improve within this phenomenon .This research has been carried through questionnaire for students' in addition to analysis of their answers . The analysis reveals that some of students' face difficulties when speaking with the second language ; for that, they refer to their first language to express , most of students' make mistakes in speaking because they think in their first language while speaking with the second language . This research also carried a teachers questionnaire which confirm this phenomenon and highlight many recommendation which are given by teachers to lack of the use of the mother tongue during EFL classesFinally , This research prove the hypothesis of the influence of first language on EFL learning
Appears in Collections:Langue Anglaise

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