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Title: Variabilité physico-chimique de miels d’ouest et de sud algérien et leur activité biologique
Authors: BELAIDI Asmaa
KADRI Redhwan
Issue Date: 2018
Abstract: Honeyisverycomplexbiological compound, of a verygreatdiversity, it has a multide of proprties as well on the nutritionallevel as on the planthérapie. The aim of the workis to determine the physicochemicalcharactéristics of fifteen types of honeyscollected in differentregions of western ans souternAlgeria. Thesehoney are analyzed by the determination of their pH, their water content, the electricelectricalconductivity, theiracidity and theirhydroxymethylfurfural water content. The analysic of theseparametresrevealsthat the honeysstudiesmeet the qulaitycriteriondictatedby the codex alimentirius and European standards. In fact, the water content, acidity and HMF values show that the samplesdid not undergo fermentations. The résults of the antioxidantactivityshowedthatsamplesshowed high anti-radical activity. The anti-inflammatory power of the sampleswasevaluated by the intro-vivo method, the resultsobtained show a high capacity for proteindanturation inhibitions
Appears in Collections:Chimie

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