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Title: Recherche des germes bactériens responsables des infections urinaires à l’hôpital Dr. BENZERDJEB – Ain Témouchent
Authors: CHAOUI Samah
Keywords: Urinary tract infections, ECBU, St. aureus, E. coli, leukocytes, Pseudomons sp.
Infections urinaires, ECBU, St. aureus, E. coli, leucocytes, Pseudomons sp.
Issue Date: 2022
Abstract: Urinary tract infections represent a particularly important health problem and occupy a major place in human pathology. The study involves bacteriological analysis of 110 urine samples. These analyses focused on a cytological and bacteriological study. The results of the cytological study showed the presence of leukocytes. Bacteriological analyses focused on the enumeration and characterization of the germs responsible for urinary tract infections. Of a total of 110 samples, 84 were positive, with a urinary tract infection rate of about 59.52% in hospital patients and 40.48 in non-hospital patients and a significant incidence in the female sex (51.19%). Among the isolated bacteria, two species belonging to the Gram negatives bacillus predominate this group (E.coli and Pseudomonas sp.). Cocc iGram-positive represent a low rate and are represented primarily by St. aureus. The sensitivity and resistance profile to potentials showed that some germs were found to be multi-resistant to at least two or three antibiotics from different families.
Appears in Collections:Sciences Biologiques

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