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dc.contributor.authorديدان, مروى-
dc.contributor.authorبن دريس, أمال-
dc.contributor.authorبن عيسى رحال, نوال-
dc.description.abstractThe sexual abuse of minors is considered one of the most severe crimes punishable by law and is also one of the most common due to the psychological disturbances itcauses, especially post-traumatic stress disorder. This has led psychologists to strive to provide helpful therapies for this cases to help them recover from this disorder and alleviate its symptoms. Based on this, we have tried in this study to shed light on acauses, especially post-traumatic stress disorder. This has led psychologists to strive to provide supportive therapies to assist this cases in recovering from this disorder and reducing the severity of its symptoms. Based on this, we attempted in this study to shed light on a new therapy that can serve this category, which is narrative exposure therapy, highlighting its role in alleviating the severity of this disorder. The sample of this study included four cases whose ages ranged between 8 and 16 years, and they were purposefully selected and the clinical method was used. The "Davidson" Trauma Scale was applied on them to determine the severity of the disorder before and after therapy. This was done to highlight its role in alleviating the severity of this disorder. The most important results obtained were: - Narrative exposure therapy has a role in alleviating post-traumatic stress disorder among exposed minors for sexual abuse. - Adolescents are more respensive to this therapy compered to children . - Females are more respensive to this therapy compared to males. After analyzing the data, we discussed the hypotheses of the study and compared its results with what was found in the practical aspect, given the absence of previous studies that serve the same topic. And as a complement to the findings of the study, some these among recommendations and proposals were developed to help reduce the phenomenon, indicating the need to educate parents in order to apply for therapy and not to make (honor) an obstacle in treating their children.en_US
dc.subjectالاعتداء الجنسي, القصر, اضط ا رب كرب ما بعد الصدمة, العلاج التعرضي السرديen_US
dc.titleدور العلاج التعرضي السردي في التخفيف من حدة اضطراب ما بعد الصدمة عند القاصرين المتعرضين لاعتداء جنسي دراسة عيادية لأربع حالاتen_US
Appears in Collections:psychologie

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