Browsing by Sujet
Showing results 2713 to 2732 of 3410
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- valorisation, déchet de verre, carreaux sol, poudre de verre, résistance mécaniques, résistance thermique, diffraction des rayons X. 1
- valorization , the mud, SEKKAK dam, mortar, cement, substitution 1
- Value-added tax, value-added tax, tax reform, Algerian legislation 1
- Variable’s selection- Supervised classification- KNN- SVM- Relieff- Fisher- Parkinson’s disease. 1
- Variation, Rainfall, space, Time, Homogenization, Basin, Macta 1
- Vase - Barrage - Bouhanifia - Algeria - Valuation - Analysis - Chemical - Physical - mineralogical . 1
- Vase, dragage, géomatériau, Barrage et Brique 1
- Vector-valued functions, Vector-valued Distributions, Semi-group distributions, Cauchy problem. 1
- Vehicle detection, neural network, deep learning, CNN, 'ResNet-50', 'YOLO', 'Faster RCNN'. 1
- Ventilation naturelle, cheminée solaire, simulation numérique, rétrécissement progressif. 1
- Ver blanc, production agricole, luttes, cultures 1
- Verifiable secret sharing, elliptic curves, elliptic curve discrete logarithme problem 1
- verification in accounting, tax control, tax evasion, Ain Témouchent tax center 1
- Véhicule électrique , photovoltaïque , les panneaux , batteries 1
- Véhicule électrique , photovoltaïque , les panneaux , batteries. 1
- véhicule,classification,détection,HOG,KNN,SVM,Raspberry. 1
- Vêture, catégorisation, norme, identité. Clothing, categorization, norm, identity. 1
- viaduct, hollow box, flail cable, load and overload, static and dynamic analysis. 1
- viande hachée, maladies d’origine alimentaire, analyse microbiologique, toxi infection, critère 1
- vickers hardness, contact pressure, plastic deformation, elastic deformation, three dimensional modeling 1