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- Video surveillance, mask detection, face detection, distancing measurement, Raspberry Pi, CNN. 1
- Vidéo surveillance, détection de masque, détection de visage, mesure de distanciation, Raspberry Pi 4, CNN 1
- Vigne de table, stades de développement de la vigne, Fertilisation azotée, Mode de fertilisation, Mildiou de la vigne. 1
- Villes Intelligentes, VANETs, Mod`eles de Mobilit´e, Protocoles de Routage, SUMO, NS-3, AODV, DSDV, OLSR 1
- Violence - Wife - Family 1
- Viral Marketing Dimensions, Word of Mouth, Electronic Word of Mouth, Buzz Marketing and Purchasing Decision 1
- Viral Marketing, viral marketing techniques, information acquiring, information sharing, Algerian consumer 1
- viral marketing; loyalty brand; Purchasing decision; Algerian consumer. 1
- Virtual experiential marketing, virtual reality, purchase intention, hospitality 1
- Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Actual Reality, Identity Development, Illusion 1
- viticulture- nematodes- diseases –soil 2
- viticulture- nématodes- sol- maladies 1
- Vitis vinifera, raisin, amplométrie, identification ,(SPSS). 1
- VLAN, VTP, Spaning Tree, VPN, IPsec, SSH, PPPoE. 1
- vocational training entrepreneurship –contractor- entrepreneurial orientation. 1
- Voice, female body, writing, male domination, Atiq Rahimi 1
- Voicelessness- Silence- Gender- Women- Society- Culture- Identity-Reading Stories- Education 1
- Wage policy, public sector, incentives, wages. 1
- wages in economic sector, factors affecting wages, time series analysis. 1
- wages, theories of wages, unemployment, theories of unemployment, methods of time series analysis 1