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- linguistic imaginary, French expression, language appropriation, linguistic representation, (socio) linguistic. 1
- Liquéfaction – séisme – cartographie – logiciel Arcmap 10.2 – bassin versant – Ain Témouchent . 1
- literature - language - french as a foreign language 1
- Literature - Quebec - French language - Roman - Modernity Ŕ Identity. 1
- literature – Language - French as a foreign language 1
- literature, language-learning, pop-culture, difficulties 1
- Litigation at two levels, Administrative Court, Administrative Court of Appeal, Council of State 1
- littoral, dynamique, Ghazaouet, Beni-saf, végétations, bioclimatique. 1
- Local administration reform Rationalization of expenditures Management reform 1
- local collection - local communities - revenues - local fees 1
- localisation, GPS, signaux GSM, intelligence artificielle, apprentissage automatique 1
- Logique floue, convertisseurs statiques, machine asynchrone, Convertisseurs multi 1
- Loss, Memory, Identity, Trauma 1
- LTE,handover,optimization,fuzzy logic,intelligence artificial 1
- Lunettes connectées, Arduino, Bluetooth, commande vocale. 1
- lutte contre la corruption, prévention de la corruption, mesures dissuasives, accords régionaux, pots-de-vin. 1
- L’'antenne flexible (patch), vêtements intelligents, La technologie WEARABLE, Bande ISM, CST 1
- l’acier, Corrosion, Inhibiteur, PVP-I, Efficacité 1
- l’analyse, défauts, défaillance, FDI, Diagnostic, surveillance, AMDEC 1