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Showing results 1458 to 1477 of 3373
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- International commercial , marine sales , goods , incoterms 1
- International humanitarian law, the Huge conventions, cultural notables, armed conflict, international responsibility. 1
- international law, international responsibility based on risks, damage, legitimate actions 1
- international monetary system, stock flow consistency .models, SWIFT system 1
- International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS),International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board (IPSASB),Public Accounting in Algeria 1
- International standards, discrimination, hate speech, preventive mechanisms, Law No. 20-05 1
- Internet of Things (IOT), Smart home, home automation, CISCO Packet Tracer. 1
- Internet of Things, IoT, Web of Things, WoT, SDR, Software Radio 1
- Internet protocol, VoIP, FTP, CME, protocole IPV4, simulateur de réseau, GNS3, Vmaware, machine virtuelle. 1
- Internet protocol, VoIP, réseau WAN, CME, protocole GNS3, Vmaware 1
- Internet, E-marketing, Web 2.0, tourisme, touristonaute. 1
- Interpol - crime - international cooperation - cross-border 1
- Interpretation / Political Speech / Didactic / Learning / Pedagogy / Teaching 1
- interview ; intellectual; Ahmed; Cheniki 1
- Intestinal microbiote- Human breast milk-Infant feces-Lactic bacteria 1
- intégration culturelle, stratégies de politesse, analyse des erreurs, violation, erreurs pragmatiques 1
- Introduction de l’anglais ,Compétence de production orale ,Apprenants de 3ème AP ,Enseignement des langues étrangères Contexte algérien ,Méthodes pédagogiques , Débat linguistique 1
- IntrusionDetectionSystem(IDS),deeplearning,visiontransformers,featureselection, variancerate,randomforests,dimensionalityreduction,randomsampling,NSLKDD,CIC2017 1
- Invention, patent, criminal protection, civil protection. 1
- inventory, endemism, cork oak, biodiversity. 1