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Title: EFL Teachers attitudes towards the implementation of elearning the case study ai temouchent secondary schools
Authors: Hadj Chikh, Feyza
Keywords: English as a Foreign Language –Teachers- Attitudes – Implementation E- learning – Ain Temouchent – Secondary School
Issue Date: 2022
Abstract: School closures in Algeria during COVID19 pandemic have obliged over 1.2 million students and around one hundred five thousand teachers to integrate in online teaching and learning in secondary schools. Online teaching and learning is an unprecedented experience for most teachers and students in Secondary Schools consequently, they have a limited experience with it. This research has surveyed English as foreign language secondary school teachers in order to determine their attitudes towards integrating electronic learning into education, and has defined various influential factors. In this survey, we used online questionnaires to collect data. The questionnaire was randomly distributed to teachers of English as a foreign language in AIN TEMOUCHENT secondary schools. Both quantitative and qualitative data were collected and analyzed from the questionnaires. The results of this study revealed that teachers held positive attitudes towards electronic learning’s potential effectiveness in EFL instruction. Furthermore, daily computer use and teachers’ experience represent the most noticeable factors impacting teachers’ attitudes. Moreover, the study revealed that teachers’ level of technology use is impacting teachers’ use of IIT and their attitudes towards e- learning implementation. The results prove that teachers who ignore computer use and e-learning applications tend to reject e- learning incorporation astonishingly. It is claimed that EFL teachers had three important issues when they adopt e-learning in their teaching: Lack of time, lack of reliability of the software and unavailability of IIT technologies.
Appears in Collections:Langue Anglaise

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