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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 308
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Exploring Primary School EFL Teachers Teaching Strategies The case of Third Year Primary Teachers of (Didi kadour and kloucha tayeb Ibrahim Ben jiryo,Benchorfi Fatima,Bouchikhi Kouider ,Haddouch Ali and Akid Othman primary schools)Khellafi, Soraya; ALLAL-Ayhan, Rym
2024FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE AND ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENTS (The case study of master students at Laghouat University)MOKDAD, Chaima; BOUZID, Assia
2024EFL education in Africa; Comparative analysis of curriculum design in EFL context in English in terms of breadth and depth between Nigeria and AlgeriaHUSSAINI ADAM, Siraj; KERKEB, Amina
2024British Women’s Political Struggle during the Twentieth CenturyMohammedi, Halima; Benfodda, Assia
2024Memory and Age in Paul Auster’s Man in the DarkTAHAR BERRABAH, Aya Rayhan; BOUHASSOUN, Azzeddine
2024The Role of Social Media in Enhancing L2 EFL Students’ Speaking Skills via Instagram ReelsRemini, samah; Benghalem, Boualem
2024Breaking Boundaries : Exploring Female Characters in Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy in the 19th CenturyTouil, Kaoutar; Belhouche, Malika Ghalima; Kersani, Hasna
2024LEARNING AND TEACHING IN TRANSITION Fostering the English language as medium of instruction in the Algerian universities Case of study: first year science educators of Belhadj Bouchaib UniversityTikkaoui, Kheira chaimaa; Rarmoul bouhadjar, doua; benghalem
2024Exploring the Characters’ Psychological and Emotional Aspects in Dickens’ David Copperfield through a Psychoanalysis LensBOUSEBSI, Nesrine; HASSAIENE, Zahèra
2024Reconstructing of Gender Roles in Orlando by Virginia WoolfTOUIL, Fadia Zoulikha; MORSLI, Dellel Fatima Zahra; LAOUFI, Samira
2024Exploring Primary School EFL Teachers Teaching Strategies The case of Third Year Primary Teachers of (Didi kadour and kloucha tayeb Ibrahim Ben jiryo,Benchorfi Fatima,Bouchikhi Kouider ,Haddouch Ali and Akid Othman primary schools)Khellafi, Soraya; ALLAL-Ayhan, Rym
2024Blurring the Lines between Reality and Distorted Perceptions in Relation to Identity in Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper”Fellah, Nedjma; Bouchikhi, Siham; HOUARI, Rayhane
2024Dismantling Identity: The Portrayal of Slavery's Impact in Toni Morrison's BelovedFathala, Nora; Ghorzi, Souàd; Belhamidi, Selma
2024Unconventional Identities: Asperger Syndrome’s Influence on Individuality in Sayaka Murata’s Convenience Store Woman.HAMIDI, Fatima Zohra; YAHIA, Fatima
2024Going Back to the Roots: The Relationship between the Fairy Tale and Gothic in Neil Gaiman’s Coraline (2002)KACEM, Fatima Zahra Maissa; BOUHASSOUN, Azzeddine
2024The Influence of Mythology in Modern Fantasy in The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R TolkienBENHADDA, Khadidja; LAOUFI, Samira
2024Whispers of Resistance: Identity, Censorship, and the Battle for Unbridled Ideas in Fahrenheit 451DAHMENE, Sidahmed; HOUARI, Rayhane
2024Cultural Identity and Artificial Intelligence: Challenges and PerspectivesBOUKHOBZA, Bachir; DJEBILOU, Mohamed; BENFODDA, Assia
2024British National Identity and the Dilemma of Multiculturalism in the 21st CenturyBenali, Fatiha; Belmadani, Fatiha; Benfodda, Assia
2024Quest for the Self and Authentic Existence in Jack Kerouac’s On the RoadBERRAHO, DOUNIA SELMA; BELHAMIDI
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 308