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dc.contributor.authorKhellafi, Soraya-
dc.contributor.authorALLAL-Ayhan, Rym-
dc.description.abstractThis dissertation investigates the teaching strategies employed by English teachers in primary schools in Ain Temouchent, Focusing specifically on third-year pupils. The primary objective is to explore teachers' thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes towards teaching strategies that foster optimal learning outcomes for this age group, as well as how these strategies can be implemented effectively. A comprehensive literature review provides insights into the educational landscape in Ain Temouchent, Highlighting the challenges teachers face and their impact on students' academic development. Utilizing a mixed-methods approach, the study collects both qualitative and quantitative data through surveys of primary school teachers, Assessing their perceptions, Preferences, and current practices regarding teaching strategies. The findings reveal that teachers employ a diverse array of methods, Blending traditional teacher-centered approaches with more learner-centered and interactive strategies. This work is justified as it addresses a critical need for effective teaching practices in early education, aiming to improve student engagement and achievement.en_US
dc.titleExploring Primary School EFL Teachers Teaching Strategies The case of Third Year Primary Teachers of (Didi kadour and kloucha tayeb Ibrahim Ben jiryo,Benchorfi Fatima,Bouchikhi Kouider ,Haddouch Ali and Akid Othman primary schools)en_US
Appears in Collections:Langue Anglaise

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Exploring Third Years Primary School EFL Teachers Teaching Strategies (Récupération automatique (.pdfAn Extended Essay Submitted as Partial Fulfillment for the Requirements of a Master’s Degree in Didactics and Applied language834,6 kBAdobe PDFView/Open

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