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dc.contributor.authorYAHIAOUI YOUCEFI, Asya-
dc.contributor.authorMEKHALF, Kheira-
dc.description.abstractThe work presented in this memory is part of the framework of adapting with fractional calculus by introducing the fractional integration and fractional di erentiation linear operators of Riemann-Liouville and Gr unwald-Letnikov. Particular attention is devoted to the auxiliary tools necessary to de ne these new concepts as certain special functions (Gamma-b^eta...) and to the Laplace transform technique. Then, we present the de nitions of fractional derivatives in the sens of Riemann- Liouville and Gr unwald-Letnikov. Also, we present some basic properties of di erintegrals, such as linearity, the Leibniz rule and composition. Finally, we explain the links between these derivativesen_US
dc.titleDérivée d'ordre fractionnaire de Grunwald-Letnikoven_US
Appears in Collections:Mathématique

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