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Title: Orchestration de services Web dans smart home pour détecter les dangers
Authors: AMIR, Aichouche
AZZI, Malek
Keywords: Smart House, Internet des objets, orchestration, détection des dangers, capteurs, service Web
Smart House, Internet of Things, orchestration, hazard detection, sensors, web service
Issue Date: 2023
Abstract: Our research project aims primarily to examine the ongoing evolution of home security and establish an efficient orchestration to detect hazards in smart homes. Today's smart homes are becoming increasingly technological, reflecting social changes and the natural human drive to innovate and protect the environment. To successfully conduct our study, we have created a simulation that represents our approach. This simulation adheres to the essential standards of a smart home and can be easily controlled through a smartphone using the Internet of Things (IoT) and web services. By leveraging these technologies, our objective is to enhance the security and user-friendliness of smart homes, enabling users to manage their domestic environment more efficiently and conveniently.
Appears in Collections:Informatique

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