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Title: مساهمة العلاج المتمركز حول العميل في خفض الوحدة النفسية للمصابين بداء السكري :درسة عيادية لحالتين في مستشفى بني صاف
Authors: سي بوعزة, رهام
سبع, هجيرة
Keywords: Client-centered therapy, diabetes, psychological loneliness
العلاج الممركز حول العميل،داء السكري،الوحدة النفسية
Thérapie centrée sur le client, diabète, solitude psychologique
Issue Date: 2024
Series/Report no.: 2023/2024;
Abstract: The current study intends to find out the contribution of client-centered therapy in reducing the feeling of psychological loneliness for people with diabetes, through designing a treatment program, relying on the clinical approach based on the case study method and its tools, while applying the psychological loneliness scale of Russell 1996 to two clients “male” and female,” and their ages range from 39 to 52 years. This study was conducted at Beni Saf Hospital. The study concluded with the following results: that client-centered treatment contributes to reducing the feeling of psychological loneliness among patients with diabetes, and this is due to the variables of age and gender.
Appears in Collections:psychologie

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