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dc.contributor.authorNACHI, Ahmed-
dc.contributor.authorNEDJADI, Mohamed Yacine-
dc.contributor.authorKerzabi, Rachida-
dc.description.abstractTomato, Lycopercicum esculentum Mill., a species of herbaceous plant of the Solanaceae family native to northern South America. This fruit vegetable, essential in the human diet, is eaten fresh or raw and has been widely cultivated in the African region for decades. Despite the constraints related to the conditions of treatment and conservation of tomato crops, their transformation into by-products (tomato paste and dried tomatoes) is gaining momentum. Tomato processing reduces post-harvest losses and ensures its availability at a lower cost at all times, so it is important to develop tomato processing and conservation strategies. Among which the drying. The objective of this study is to help diagnose the tomato drying process at SARL Noujoum for the processing of fruits and vegetables. Dehydration made it possible to obtain quality organoleptic criteria (more radiant red color) as well as an appreciable nature of the very firm texture of the finished product which implies an average residual humidity.en_US
dc.subjectTransformation, conservation, séchage, tomate séchéeen_US
dc.subjectProcessing, preservation, drying, dried tomatoen_US
dc.titleDiagnostic des différentes méthodes de séchage et de conservation de la tomateen_US
Appears in Collections:Sciences Alimentaires

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