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dc.contributor.authorمادي, ليندة-
dc.contributor.authorبودالي, رشيدة-
dc.contributor.authorهامل, شيخ-
dc.description.abstractReading the cultural patterns of the literary text reveals the logic of thought within the text, as it starts from the cultural background of the text, passing through the interpretation of the creator’s intentions and awareness, and extracting these cultural patterns from the texts and speeches, whether they are apparent or implicit, and this is what we tried to apply in Our research entitled “Cultural Patterns in the Novel The Kingdom of Ziwan by Haj Ahmed Al-Siddiq - A Cultural Approach -” where we tried to extract the most important of these cultural patterns, and reveal them through studying the cultural dimension, and revealing what is hidden and hidden in this novel. We presented the work in two chapters, so that we devoted the first chapter to introducing some of the terms cultural criticism, style, culture, etc., and it includes the foundations of cultural criticism and the methodological steps of the cultural approach, while the second chapter was an application to the novel to extract the cultural patterns in it.en_US
dc.subject: cultural patterns, criticism, the novel The Kingdom of Ziwanen_US
dc.subjectالأنساق الثقافية،التقد،رواية مملكة الزيوانen_US
dc.titleالأنساق الثقافية في رواية "مملكة الزيوان" للحاج أحمد الصديق: مقاربة ثقافيةen_US
Appears in Collections:Etudes Littèratures

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