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Title: Étude descriptive du Cancer Sien féminin chez les sujets jeunes dans la wilaya d’Ain-Temouchent
Authors: Meddah, Abir Amina
Fares, Nasrine
Hadj said, Mohamed
Keywords: Cancer du sein, caractéristiques sociodémographiques, facteurs de risque, nullipare, contraceptif, étude histologique, grade histopronostique
Issue Date: 2021
Abstract: Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women not only in Western countries but also in Algeria. Despite therapeutic progress, it remains a serious cancer with serious physical and psychiatric sequelae (Abid, 2004). Our work aimed to identify epidemiological and pathological data in young women aged 35 and under through a retrospective study of 29 patients hospitalized in the oncology department of Dr Benzrjeb hospital in the wilaya of 'Aïn Témouchent, during a period of 5 years from 2016 to 2021. The recruitment of patients with breast cancer was at a maximum in 2019 and 2020, ie 31% of cases. According to the socio-demographic characteristics of this series of cases, we found that the average age of the patients was 27 years, with a peak in frequency (60%) for the age group 30 to 35 years. Most of the women (83%) were not engaged in any professional activity, and 58% of them were married. The risk factors that we identified from the raw data allowed us to note that the patients (60%) in our case series had their first period at the age of 12 to 14 years, 41% of them were nulliparous and 45% were pauciparous. In addition, women who breastfed their children accounted for 78% of cases. The average duration of breastfeeding was 2 to 8 months. Contraceptive use was recorded in 75% of cases. According to our results, the majority of patients (45%) had seen a doctor between the 1st and 3rd month of the onset of the first symptoms. Overall, the most frequent reason for consultation was axillary lymphadenopathy in 59% of cases. Breast examination revealed damage to the left breast with 41% and the right breast with 59%. Regarding the location of the tumor in the breast, the upper outer quadrant (QSE) was in first place with 62%. The histological study had enabled us to detect that invasive ductal carcinoma was predominant with 62%, and the most abundant histopronostic grade (SBR) was grade II with 70% of cases.
Appears in Collections:Sciences Biologiques

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