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dc.contributor.authorبلعباد, عبد الحفيظ-
dc.contributor.authorبن مصطفى دحو, علاء الدين-
dc.contributor.authorكش, محمد-
dc.description.abstractMany organizations realized that the real and intrimsic value of it does not consist in its material capital only, but mather in its intellectual capital, so that this study came to determine the effect of the quality of the – Beni Saf - cement corporation , and the problem was as foccous : What is the impect of the intellectual capital in achi evring the quality of the entreprise ? in order to achieve goals according to a scientific methodology then using a questionnaire frome to collect data, distribut ing these data to a sample consiiting of 36 individuals, in addition to using the « SPSS » statistical program to analyze the data, and then reaching many results hem ost important of witch are : The persence of a statistically significant effect of the Be ni Saf cament company, and the three variables related to the intellectual capital are (human and structural capital and relation ships) it thas a positive effect on the quality. A momg the most important recommendations of the study is the concern for the human element because it is the source of inmovation and development in institutionsen_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Ain Temouchenten_US
dc.titleأثر رأس المال الفكري في تحقيق جودة المؤسسة.en_US
dc.title.alternativeدراسة حالة شركة الإسمنت بني صافen_US
Appears in Collections:Sciences Economiques

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