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Title: العلاقة السببية بين أسعار البترول وبعض المتغيرات تحت الاقتصادية الكلية
Authors: وقاص, فاطمة الزهراء
أحمد عمار, سارة
زدون, جمال
Keywords: oil prices - economic growth - inflation - unemployment - Joint integration
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: University of Ain Temouchent
Abstract: This research aims to study and analyse the relationship between oil prices and economic variables ) Inflation , unemployment variables of the study ( in Algeria through the period 1980 - 2016 so that , it deals with prices and some economic variable among definition and types as chapter one. In the second chapter , we study and analyse several recent studies. In the third chapter and the last one we deal with analytic study within standard style of development of oil prices betw een 1980 - 2016 which witnessed several depressions. The examination of Angel Granger , reached that no casual relation between oil prices and economic growth , inflation , unemployment. In order to explain the relation within long term by using the model joint integration that the relation between oil prices and inflation and unemployment in opposite relation. Then we move to the model of correcting mistakes which focus on the negative effects of oil prices on both unemployment and inflation within short term th roughout its non signification
Appears in Collections:Sciences Economiques

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