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Title: الصراع التنظيمي وعلاقته بالرضا الوظيفي : دراسة حالة بشركة الاسمنت بني صاف
Other Titles: S.C.I.B.S
Authors: فقيه, نجيمة
سي محمد, كمال
Keywords: organizational conflict, organization, human resources, job satisfa ction
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: University of Ain Temouchent
Abstract: This study aims to identify the relationship between the organizationa l conflict and the satisfaction of the employees and the employees' attitudes towards the organizational conflict. The organizational conflict is one of the mos t important factors leading to the failure of the organization. Job satisfaction is o ne of the most important factors on which the success of the organization is based. Greatly affects the behavior and performance of human ressources . The study was based on a descriptive descriptive approach. To achieve the objectives of the study, a questionnaire was designed as a study tool co nsisting of (49) items distributed on the study variables. The study was applied to a ran dom sample of 60 employees. The study examined a number of basic and secondary hypotheses Variables of study, in order to answer the questions relat ed to the problem of the study, and access to the objectives subject The study was based on a descriptive descriptive approach. To achieve the objectives of the study, a questionnaire was designed as a study tool con sisting of (49) items distributed on the study variables. The study was applied to a random sample of(63) employees. The study examined a number of basic and secondary hypotheses Variables of study, in order to answer the questions related to the problem of the study, and to reach the goals set. This has been demonstrated through a case study in a pure cement company- benisaf
Appears in Collections:Sciences Economiques

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