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Title: أهمية التشخيص المبكر في التكفل بالأطفال المعاقين سمعيا دراسة عياديه لحالتين (02)بالمركز ي الأطفال المعاقين سمعيا بولايتيي عين تموشنت وتلمسان
Authors: بلال, نصيرة
لوكيلي, يحياوية
بن عيسى, رحال نوال
Keywords: diagnostic testing,audit capabilities,and maintenance
التشخيص المبكر، الاعاقة السمعية، الطفل المعاق سمعيا
diagnostic précoce, déficience auditive, enfant malentendant
Issue Date: 2024
Series/Report no.: 2023/2024;
Abstract: The visa is now available to receive import diagnostic equipment in the price and charge of children. Our ages range from 8 to 11 years and are available to select intentions in a school for your family members. Where time and when asked about the question that was asked: - Is this diagnostic procedure important in the cost of charging children? Ainsi, the hypothalamus is suitable for this formula to suit: A diagnostic procedure is important in the price of a charge for children, and we also have some applications on a case app for the adapter on the cover. 'Educated in these studies (clinical observation, training and diagnostic questionnaire for the diagnostic examination tests prepared by the previous students after confirming their psychometric properties. Thanks to the new results, our phones are connected because diagnostic testing is important in the process of charging children. We also know that the culture, the economic environment, the technology and the civil communication between all of us have the effectiveness of the diagnostic procedure in the price of charging thechildren. enfants.
Appears in Collections:psychologie

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