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Title: التوظيف النفسي لدى المراهق المكفول في العائلة الجزائرية :- دراسة عياديه لحالتين من خلال اختبار الرورشاخ
Authors: بودربة, زهيرة
منقوشي, فاطمة
Keywords: the psychic functioning, the adolescent, the adolescent of unknown parentage, the sponsorship, the algerian family
التوظيف النفسي، المراهق، المراهق المجهول النسب، الكفالة، العائلة الجزائرية
Issue Date: 30-jui-2024
Series/Report no.: 2023/2024;
Abstract: This study aimed to reveal the nature of the psychic functioning of the adolescent sponsored by the Algerian family using the Rorschach test. The study concludes two cases, it was selected by deliberatemanner. To achieve this goal, the clinical approach based on the case study was adopted, by using a range of tools, such as the semi-directed clinical interview, clinical observation, and the Rorschach test. The study found the following result : The psychic functioning of the adolescent sponsored by the Algerian family is characterized by organisation borderline.
Appears in Collections:psychologie

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