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Title: Investigating the Situation of Teaching EFL to Autistic Pupils The Case Study of Primary School EFL Teachers
Authors: BELKHOUANE, Marwa
Keywords: أساتذة اللغة الإنجليزية، التلاميذ المصابين بالتوحد، المدارس الابتدائية الجزائرية، بيئات التعلم الشاملة، التدريب المتخصص، دعم الأساتذة
Enseignants d'anglais,Élèves autistes,Écoles primaires algériennes, Environnements d'apprentissage inclusifs,Formation spécialisée,Soutien pour les enseignants.
Issue Date: 2024
Series/Report no.: 2023/2024;
Abstract: The investigation explores the obstacles encountered by English as Foreign Language (EFL) teachers when educating autistic pupils in primary schools in Algeria, aiming to examine the complexities of teaching English to individuals with autism. It explores the challenges faced by EFL teachers and the approaches used to facilitate learning, seeking to enhance understanding of the specific language requirements of autistic pupils and advocating for inclusivity in English language education. Employing a mixed-methods approach with questionnaire surveys, classroom observations and interviews the study highlights the need for enhanced resources, training, and policies to improve English language instruction for autistic pupils in Algeria. It addresses challenges such as adapting teaching methods, managing sensory issues, and fostering effective communication, while exploring strategies like visual aids, structured routines, and individualized learning plans to create inclusive learning environments. The research emphasizes the importance of providing targeted support and resources for EFL teachers working with autistic pupils, calling for specialized training programs and inclusive policies to ensure equal access to English language education for all autistic pupils, contributing to a more inclusive and accessible education system in Algeria.
Appears in Collections:Langue Anglaise

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