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Title: المكون السردي في رواية علي بابا و الأربعون حبيبة لعزالدين جلاوجي
Authors: مولاي ملياني, سعاد
غانم, يسمينة
حطري, سمية
Keywords: narrative component,narrative elements,narrator,artistic style,novel
المكون السردي، العناصر السردية، الراوي، الأسلوب الفني، الرواية
Issue Date: 2024
Series/Report no.: 2023/2024;
Abstract: This memorandum studied and analyzed the narrative component in the novel “Ali Baba and the Forty Lovers” by Azdin Jalawji, focusing on how the writer uses narrative elements to form a distinct narrative text. The development of the concept of narration throughout literary history was reviewed, and the importance of time and place, characters, events, and the role of the narrator in constructing the text was clarified. The memorandum concluded by emphasizing the importance of these elements in analyzing literary texts and understanding them more deeply. The artistic style, symbolism, and connotations in the novel were highlighted, giving the study a comprehensive critical dimension that enhances the reader’s appreciation of this literary work.
Appears in Collections:Etudes Critiques

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