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Title: الأبعاد التداولية في رواية " أرجوك اعتني بأمي" لكيونغ سوك شين
Authors: بن عدة, فاطمة الزهراء
كبير, الشيخ
Keywords: pragmatics,linguistic lesson levels,aspects of language, phonological rules,semantic or grammatical rules
: التداولية ، مستو يات الدرس اللغوي ، جوانب اللغة ، القواعد الفونولوجية، القواعد الدلالية أو النحوية .
Issue Date: 2024
Series/Report no.: 2023/2024;
Abstract: Pragmatics does not belong to any of the levels of the linguistic lesson, whether phonetic, morphological, grammatical, or semantic. Therefore, pragmatic errors have nothing to do with deviating from phonological, grammatical, or semantic rules, and they are not a level added to these levels. Because each of them is concerned with a specific and coherent aspect of the language and has its own abstract patterns and analytical units, nor does pragmatics, as it is not limited to studying a specific aspect of the language, but rather it is possible to comprehend all of them, and it does not have abstract patterns or units of analysis
Appears in Collections:Etudes Critiques

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