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Title: البنية اللسانية و دلالاتها الخطابية القرآنية في سورة الطارق
Authors: منصور, فاطيمة
ريازي, فاطيمة
مغني صنديد, محمد نجيب
Keywords: form, sound, phoneme, structure, connotation, the Qur’an
forme, son, phonème, structure, connotation, Coran
Issue Date: 2024
Series/Report no.: 2023/2024;
Abstract: This study, entitled “The Linguistic Structure and its Qur’anic Rhetorical Connotations in Surah Al-Tarik,” led; with its linguistic analysis of the Holy Qur’anic text, according to the linguistic levels on which modern linguistics has laid its foundations, to reveal the aesthetic artistic characteristics and the deep suggestive connotations, that reveal the eloquence of the Holy Qur’an, its textual miracle , coherence, and perfect consistency. The study highlights four basic components: the phonetic (phonological) level, the morphological level, the grammatical (syntactic) level, and the semantic level, relying on statistical tables, the results of which led to the clarification of the implications of the contextual and linguistic interrelation of the various forms, structures, and constituent elements for general structure, through interpretation and analysis of the linguistic phenomenon based in general on the linguistics of Quranic discourse
Appears in Collections:Etudes Linguistiques

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