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Title: التداولية وتحليل الخطاب بين العرب والغرب - مقارنة بين كتابي التداوليات وتحليل الخطاب لجميل حمداوي ومبادئ التداولية لجيوفري ليتش
Authors: ريازي, أحلام
كرانوس, ناريمان
بومكحلة, آمنة
Keywords: Pragmatics,Discourse,Language,Speech Acts,Discourse Analysis
التداولية، الخطاب، اللغة، الأفعال االكلامية،تحليل الخطاب
Issue Date: 2024
Series/Report no.: 2023/2024;
Abstract: Pragmatics is a new field in communication that focuses on the study of language as it is used in speeches and conversations. It is also concerned with understanding the intentions of the speaker as a participant in the discourse, where the speaker holds the authority of speech. Pragmatic studies also emphasize intentionality as an area of convergence between the speaker and the listener, considering speech act theory as one of the fundamental topics in this field, and a crucial axis for pragmatic analysis. On the other hand, discourse is an element characterized by its comprehensiveness and has seen significant development recently, expanding its conceptual and terminological scope. This has made it a diverse and open field for dialogue among various directions and currents. Despite the differences in methods and orientations, discourse analysis has become a free space for the use of all cognitive theories and practical data that feed all types of discourse. Moreover, pragmatics views discourse as a linguistic phenomenon that adheres to a set of specific rules. It is evident that discourse can be analyzed according to the same pragmatic principles applied to utterances. Our study focused on clarifying the concept of pragmatics and discourse analysis between Arabs and the West, studying the books "Pragmatics and Discourse Analysis" and "Principles of Pragmatics," and comparing them in terms of identifying similarities and differences .
Appears in Collections:Etudes Linguistiques

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