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Title: الإبداع الشعري لسليمان جوادي:د ارسة لنماذج من تداولية التعبير الإشاري ومقصدية الخطاب
Authors: بورعدة, ريهام
بوعمامة, كريمة
بن عيسى, أسماء
Keywords: : Pragmatics- deictic expression- theory of enunciation- Poetic discourse- Suleiman Jawadi
التداولية -التعبير الإشاري-نظرية التلفظ-الخطاب الشعري-سليمان جوادي
Issue Date: 2024
Series/Report no.: 2023/2024;
Abstract: This work, which combines linguistic theorization with literary application, is an investigation into the linguistic phenomenon of deictic expression within the pragmatic study in general and the theory of enunciation in particular. By delving into this subject, we aim to explore the functioning of this linguistic mechanism and its role in semantically interpreting creative discourse. This is done through selected models from the poetry of the Algerian poet Suleiman Jawadi. Consequently, the research is based on an important question that aims to connect poetic data with the poet's conceptualizations within his verses and the accompanying deictic elements of various kinds. How then do deictic expressions contribute to interpreting the poetic text of this poet?.
Appears in Collections:Etudes Linguistiques

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الإبداع_الشعري_لسليمان_جواديد_ارسة_لنماذج_من_تداولية_التعبير_الإشاري_ومقصدية_الخطاب.pdfمذكرة التخرج لنيل شهادة الماستر في اللغة والأدب العربي تخصص: لسانيات الخطاب563,9 kBAdobe PDFView/Open

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